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Hostile & Unsolicited M&A accounts for 7% of worldwide deal making – highest level since 2007


Following increased offer for Allergan by Valeant Pharmaceuticals and the collapse of the Pfzier/ AstraZeneca deal, Pharmaceutical M&A has hit US$239.1 bln YTD, an all-time full year record. 

Today’s sweetened $58.3 billion offer for Allergan by Valeant Pharmaceuticals brings the level of hostile & unsolicited M&A activity to $97.5 billion , or 7% of global announced deal making.  This marks the highest value and percentage for hostile & unsolicited bids since year-to-date 2007. 

This week’s collapse of Pfizer’s $122.3 billion unsolicited bid for AstraZeneca, which ranks as the third largest unsolicited offer since records began in 1980, pulled the overall percentage of unsolicited deals back into single digits.  The Pfizer/AstraZeneca offer pushed  unsolicited deals to 18% of worldwide M&A, the highest percentage in eight years.

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